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UK Corporate Hospitality Leader Selects Rendezvous for Event Management


Arena Leisure is the UK’s largest operator of UK horseracing fixtures and a significant player in the corporate...

NFS Rendezvous Replaces Outlook for Event Booking at US Conference Venue


Located in the heart of Manhattan, Lighthouse International is the world’s leading vision rehabilitation agency....

Coffee Bamber: Loyalty is the Key to Success


It’s a brave man who launches a privately-owned, independent coffee shop in an area surrounded by the likes of...

Convex Leisure Builds Business with Rendezvous Cloud Venue and Catering Managem...


What does it take to carve out a niche in the highly competitive world of contract catering? For starters, imaginative...

Winchester Guildhall Installs Rendezvous Conference Management System in its Ve...


Since its inception in 1871, Winchester Guildhall has been home to the Council’s law courts, museum, library and...

Where New Technology and Timeless Elegance Go Hand in Hand


The challenge for restauranteurs is how to use the latest technology to enhance the customer experience without it...

University of Toledo HS Campus Adopts Rendezvous Scheduling for Simulation Cent...


The UT Health Science Campus Interprofessional Immersive Simulation CenterTM (IISCTM) effectively manages and schedules...

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