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5 reasons why cloud-based POS point of sale systems are better

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, 5 reasons why cloud-based POS point of sale systems are better, NFS Technology

Executive Summary

Secure data storage
Cost efficiency
Improved customer experience
Scalability and flexibility
Integration and automation

While traditional POS systems have served hospitality businesses well for many years, cloud-based systems now offer a range of advantages that make them a superior choice for many operators.

It’s well known that restaurant management systems superpower your operations in a number of different ways, driving up efficiency in these areas:

  1. Online reservations and ordering
  2. Tableside ordering and billing
  3. Efficient seating
  4. Labour
  5. Stock and waste control
  6. Customer loyalty

Online reservations and ordering: An EPOS system for restaurants makes it simple to enable and organise online reservations (reducing the need for hands-on staff involvement), and provide the facility for customers to order online, as well as providing takeaway/delivery where requires.

Tableside ordering and billing: Popular with customers because of its convenience, taking orders at tableside on handheld devices or tablets makes service quicker because orders go straight to the kitchen. This reduces the amount of running back and forth, too, so your serving staff have the time to interact with customers. Tableside payment is also quick and accurate, creating a seamless and satisfying guest experience that encourages repeat visits.

Efficient seating: Hospitality epos systems with a graphical seating plan enable front of house staff to minimise waits, place diners in the most efficient way and increase table turn.

Labour: As labour remains at a premium restaurateurs need to pay close attention to the wellbeing of their staff if they want to avoid a recruitment crisis. Restaurant management software provides valuable support to a more empathic, staff-friendly style of management.

Restaurant EPOS software helps you match staffing levels according to your busy and quiet times, ensuring good customer service and reducing your staff’s stress levels. It even provides accurate forecasting so you can organise your rota in advance.

Stock and waste control: Restaurant management systems provide a real-time view of your stock levels and identify popular dishes so waste is reduced and favourite meals are always available.

The best restaurant EPOS systems provide comprehensive reports and forecasts on all aspects of your business, from sales figures to labour and stock, even for groups. And as these are available online, they provide an easily accessible end-to-end view of operations.

Loyalty: From quick service to fine dining, encouraging customer loyalty is always high on the agenda for your restaurant.

POS systems allow you to develop two-way conversations with customers via social media that encourage a sense of community. The software also captures valuable data that enables you to send targeted email offers, and integrate with CRM systems so you gain invaluable information about your guests’ preferences.

5 reasons to choose a cloud-based POS point of sale system

  1. Secure data storage
  2. Cost efficiency
  3. Improved customer experience
  4. Scalability and flexibility
  5. Integration and automation

Secure data storage:

A cloud-based POS system differs from an on-premises restaurant management system because all your data is stored securely in the cloud – for instance, Microsoft’s Azure – and accessed via the internet. It means there’s no need to have a server on your premises.

Cloud-based POS systems give you real-time access to sales data, inventory levels, and customer information from any location with an internet connection, making it quick and easy to make data-supported decisions, monitor performance, track trends and respond to any issues promptly, regardless of location.

This level of accessibility makes it possible to manage your restaurant or group in a more agile and responsive way, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Cloud-based point of sale systems also provide greater business continuity in the case of a disaster on your premises such as a fire or flood – the data can be far more quickly restored so you can be up and running with the minimum of disruption.

Cost efficiency:

Traditional on-premises POS systems can sometimes require you to make upfront investments in hardware and software, and you may have to buy a licence.

Cloud-based restaurant POS systems usually operate on a subscription-based model, which spreads out costs over time and removes the need to pay for expensive infrastructure.

These systems often include automatic updates and maintenance as part of the subscription, which reduces the burden on your internal IT resources and keeps additional costs down while making sure the system stays up to date.

Improved customer experience

Cloud-bases point of sale systems often come with features that streamline your checkout process, such as integrated payment processing, mobile POS abilities and customer relationship management (CRM) tools.

When you offer customers faster, more efficient transactions, it leads to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty – convenience and efficiency mean a lot to today’s busy restaurant guests. In addition, CRM tools help your business to track customer preferences and note their purchase history, so you can keep on personalising your service and offers to them.

Scalability and flexibility

If you have ambitions to grow your restaurant or chain, you need your management system to be able to grow with you effortlessly.

A cloud-based system enables you to add or remove functionalities and adapt the system to add new terminals, features or even locations without undertaking a large and costly overhaul. This flexibility is particularly beneficial if you are planning to expand or experience fluctuating demand at different times of the year.

Integration and automation

Your cloud-based POS system is the beating heart of your restaurant business, but it also needs to integrate closely with the other systems you use, such as accounts, creating a unified platform for managing your business. Integration and automatic updating eliminate the need for your staff to enter data manually, reducing errors and saving time.


From cost savings, operational efficiency and scalability to enhanced security and customer experience, there are compelling reasons why cloud-based POS systems are better.

As many of the most successful hospitality businesses in the UK have already found, adopting this technology allows you to streamline operations, gain valuable insights, and provide a superior dining experience.

In short, cloud-based POS the perfect way to position your restaurant or group for long-term success in an increasingly digital world where customers demand convenience, efficiency and loyalty perks alongside great food.

Discover more benefits of cloud-based POS:

Chris Cartmell
Chris Cartmell Software and Technology Expert Posted on: June 4, 2024

Executive Summary

Secure data storage
Cost efficiency
Improved customer experience
Scalability and flexibility
Integration and automation
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